Friday, March 4, 2011

Ivrea Italy

The weekend after I got back from Spain was the biggest weekend for Carnivale, so Em and I headed to Torino for a night and then to Ivrea where craziness was about to take place.

Background: Every year during Carnivale the town of Ivrea rein acts the overthrowing of the king due to his inhumanities towards the people. These days instead of throwing rocks at the kings soldiers they throw the oranges left over from the fall harvest, about 50,000 of them.

One of the many entertaining things around town.

Ivrea is nestled against the towering Alps in the background.

Royal Parade

The Ammunition.
Pre-battle meal = cigarette and Red Bull.

Exploring Ivrea

One of the 5 piazza's where it all goes down.

Apparently putting orange juice in your eyes before the battle is good preparation.

This was one of the 20 horse-drawn carriages that went through the piazza. All in all it was an hour

So if you don't want to be targeted by these guys you wear a red hat.

If you really don't want to get hit by oranges then you hide behind the net.

Fact 1: Oranges are about the same size as baseballs.

Fact 2: Europeans don't play baseball.

Fact 3: Europeans can't throw oranges very well.

I guess the helmet is necessary.


The craziest guy out there was the horse driver with no helmet.

Orange Julius anyone?

Sweet victory.

Post battle celebrations.

The sea of red as we leave Ivrea.

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