Friday, November 13, 2009

Ohrid, Macedonia

So I hopped a bus headed to Ohrid Macedonia from Sofia at 7pm. We got to the border in two hours and then waited in a long line of semi trucks. Our bus driver must have thought we were making too good of time because he decided to hit the gas and pop the clutch when he was in reverse and smashed into the Semi behind us. That made the total stoppage time at the border a quick three and a half hours. As you can tell in the pic below I was thrilled.

I ended up arriving in Ohrid at 7 am and quickly found my hostel and went to bed.

After a good long nap I headed to this market. Realizing I had no local cash (Denar) I went to the ATM and pulled out 6000 Denars thinking it was about $30 when after the fact I found out it was equal to $150.

My first view of Lake Ohrid.

Lake Ohrid fun facts:

-One of the oldest lakes in the world ~ 5 million years old. It is one of the oldest lakes due to its great depth (950 ft) and small sediment input from its filtered spring inflows.

- The clarity of the water allows you to see the bottom at a depth of 75 ft.

-It is really big

The Ancient Theater

An ancient Greek theater built in 200 B.C during the Hellenistic period. It was harder than you think to get on stage before the picture took.

Saint Panteleimon is the most sacred and holiest site among ethnic Macedonians. They are currently excavating the site and continue to find new rooms and tunnels.

It just felt like one of those moments.

Samuil's Fortress is a fortress in the old part of Ohrid. It was the capital of the First Bulgarian Empire during the rule of Samuil in the middle-ages.

In case you forgot what the Macedonian flag looks like.

The town of Ohrid from the fortress

Lake Ohrid

Cute isn't he?...............

Then he went Kung Fu on me and immobilized me with this pressure point technique.

Their boundary lines were clearly drawn.

This tree is 1,100 years old!!

The Robevi family house is one of the most famous architectural monuments in Macedonia . It was built in its current state in 1863 and is now a museum.

Day 2

Sunny day by the lake

Easy to enjoy this

Saint John at Kaneo is attributed to the author of the Gospel of John, John the Theologian. It was built in the 1400's. This is where I spent my last few hours in Macedonia........peaceful........perfect.
Next stop- Tirana Albania

1 comment:

  1. Out of all your amazing pictures I can't get over the cat! I think I might be in trouble if I came over there - I just kept looking for you animal pics, then I would look at all of your other great shots! :)
