Thursday, June 10, 2010

Amsterdam Netherlands

With Emily's school year wrapping up we took one last trip before heading back to CO for the summer.
Hmmmm....where to go? Ah yes.....Amsterdam!

After dropping our big luggage off with the very generous and funny Luca (Couchsurfer/ Luggage-sitter) outside Milan, we took the train to Malpensa Airport.

The flight over the Alps never gets old.

Welcome to Amsterdam.

A kiss over the canals.

This group of guys could be heard singing some local songs/chants from a few blocks away. I think this was a bachelor party.

World Cup = crazy Holland soccer fans cruising around the canals. We actually found out the 'firefighters' spraying them down weren't firefighters but models advertising for a local beer. Tough job.

Feels a bit like Pearl Street.

Strolling through Leidsplein.

Random volleyball tournament in Dam Square.

The only way to see Amsterdam is on classic Dutch bikes. This means you break by pushing your pedals backwards...recipe for hilariousness and disaster.

Cruising around Vondelpark along with many others.

Great place to relax or party.

Couldn't wipe these grins off our faces if we tried. Amsterdam was quickly becoming one of our favorites in Europe.

Canals at dusk.
The further north you go the more light there is. This was taken around 11 pm.

Naturally, when there is a bachelorette party going on nearby, as a guy, you take your close off and flex. We couldn't stop laughing at him and neither could everyone else. I'm guessing he was Italian and completely serious.

Dutch pancakes.
They call it breakfast, I call it dessert.

As far as bike riding goes....the more the merrier.

The great thing about these canals is the locals turn their boats into back patios and BBQ. Nice change of scenery

Relaxing back at the park.

Emily + Cats = Bad allergies....Don't ask me why she did it?

Nice little dinner spot.

What, now they are hugging????
Maybe he wanted some salmon.

Packed a picnic and headed to the Dutch countryside.

World Cup fans everywhere.

Emily in the Poppies.
Apparently terriorist are cultivating in Holland.

She needs to be milked. She couldn't even walk normally.

So we rolled up our sleeves and put some money in the despenser. Notice we didn't realize there was a stop button.

Nice pit stop on our ride to the sea.

Instead of fences they use small canals. I wonder what happens if there was a bad drought?

Emily trying out her sheep lingo.

Worked like a charm.
Yep. It is that nice.

Our destination port town of Monnickdam. Couldn't feel anymore Dutch than this.

Note the fisherman in the background. Looks like he has weathered a few storms.

Oh no. Ridding back into the darkness. All I heard was the Wicked Witch theme song in my head.

Waiting it out in our trusty old dairy farm.

"Adult swim" anyone? I brought my floaties.

Emily mastering the old umbrella riding trick.

" Caution! Soft shoulder"

Emily trying to keep her feet dry. I think the guy next to her was trying the opposite. Turns out she got the last laugh as he flooded his engine and needed his buddy to push him the rest of the way.

Hoppin the ferry back to the 'Dam'.

Bikes, bikes, and more bike.
Oh yeah and a pirate ship.

Back to the bikes, and a very memomrable stop at Anne Frank House.

Back in Milan and figuring out we were at the wrong airport for Emily's flight home, so we hopped a bus to the other airport. Thanks to an accident it took 2 hours. Turns out she got on the last flight to London and barely caught her connection to Denver.....classic move Emily.