Sunday, April 4, 2010

St. Paul de Vence France

Day 1 in the French Riveria was spent in the nearby fortified village of St. Paul de Vence.

St. Paul de Vence.

Emily attempting to drink from the water fountain.

That is one lucky horse (made of all horseshoes).

Looking west towards our homebase of La Colle sur Loup.

Strolling by the cathedral.

A Micheal Phelps tribute statue...or maybe that was there before Phelps.

The view from our lunch spot.

One of the many narrow walkways of St. Paul.

Looking northeast towards La Gaude and the start of the Alps.

That's weird......girls shopping.

That's even more weird......a pig running around the streets of St. Paul.
I don't think the dog believes what he is seeing either.

Enjoying the scenery as the girls raid the stores.

Walls of St. Paul.

Next stop Cannes.

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