Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Day 4 in the French Riviera was spent slumming in the second smallest country in the world. Monaco, where the cars are worth more than most people's houses.

The fountains of Monaco.

The Monte Carlo Casino.
I was more interested in the sky mirror in front.

Reflection of the Monte Carlo on the other side of the sky mirror.

Wow! Gorgeous...I mean they must use some crazy fertilizer.

Catching the sea breeze.

Next to the Bentley store was the Lamborghini and Rolls Royce stores.

That's about $350,000.
I'm glad to see they threw in the extended warranty.

Lunch on the beach.

I found where they ditched that guy in "Weekend at Bernies". I never checked his pulse but I assume he was alive because his hair moved every once in a while.

You might be a tourist if:
1. You are the only person on the beach in a swimming suit in April.
2. You actually use your swimming suit to swim in the ocean.
3. You bring along snorkling gear to observe the sandy sea floor.

Does anyone else think about carmel apples covered in crushed peanuts when they look at this picture?

Beach bums.

After a big day on the craps table I decided to make a slightly irrational purchase.

Inside the Monte Carlo...shhh no pictures allowed.

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