Monday, March 8, 2010

Sihanoukville Cambodia

Hannah, Antoni, and I hit the road early for day one of a long two days of travel to the beach town of Sihanoukville.

Our fan club at one of our pit stops.

The Motor Gang

After a long day of riding we stopped in a village to get some dinner items. Hannah thought it was a good idea to buy a live chicken for $6 with the full intention of killing it and cleaning it. The next thing I knew she had already named it Beatrice and was talking to it like a baby.

After getting dinner items we started to ask around of places we could stay. This helpful lady said we could hang our hammocks in her yard, but that didn't seem to go over well when the husband came home. Thankfully a Monk came to our rescue and let us sleep in the Pagoda next door. The lady still gladly killed, dressed, and cooked Beatrice for us.

Never mind that handsome guy in the mirror, check out the family of four on the scooter. I find it interesting that the father is wearing the helmet.

The first rule of going to a beach town is: Immediately go to the beach.

Dinner on Serendipity Beach.
In true European fashion, Antoni enjoys his appetizer.

After dinner I noticed a blow up playground floating in the sea. So we swam out and played.

Not a care in the world.
Just wishing Emily was with me.

Evading mid day heat.

Sunset on Day 2.

Afternoon at Otres Beach.

Sunset over the Siam Sea.

We all jumped on a boat for a two hour ride to an island where I could snorkel and Hannah and Antoni could get scuba certified.

Our island in sight

Fishing for squid with a lure, line, and a coke can.

Showing off his technique. I asked if I could try and after two cast snapped the lure off into the sea. Knowing the lure was worth much more than just a dollar, I started to wade into the sea and was quickly told no by the kids. It turns out there were sea urchins all over the place which would have made for an unpleasant swim. I did throw on my snorkeling gear and finally found another lure to replace the one lost.

Catch of the day- Squid.

Relaxing at our bungalow.

Warm water, bright coral, and tropical fish = great snorkeling.

View from our bungalow.

Local kids chasing a snake up a tree.

Kemmera stealing my shades.

My last day of island snorkeling.
The exposure on my camera must have been off because I'm not that white....

On our way back to the mainland as the fishing boats head out for the night.

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