Friday, February 12, 2010

Luang Prabang Laos

After a very enjoyable two days on the Mekong we arrived in the popular town of Luang Prabang.

On the main strip looking for a place to stay.

This kid was everywhere. He ran all over town rolling this tire with a stick like it was his pet. It is amazing how creative kids can be.

Hunter surveying the bamboo bridge before crossing.

The Khan River before running into the Mekong.

On day two, Hunter I set our sights high with a 40 mile bike ride to Kouangxi Waterfall.

Our competition during the hill climb section....yeah we won!

Leaving at 2pm was a bit of a mistake as it was 100 F on the pavement.

The kids heading back from school all wanted to give us high-fives as we rode by.

One of the multiple lagoons to swim at.

I call this one "Beauty and the Beast". He liked the salt I guess.

The water is turquoise from the limestone it runs through.

Using water power to grind up rice.

The main attraction....meaning the waterfall.

Climbing up to the top of the falls.

The pour over.

Trying to beat the light home, but it didn't happen.

The first bread I have had in a long time thanks to the French colonies established long ago.

On the way to the bus station we ran across these rice cakes drying. It didn't help that they were on a dirt road and covered with a layer from the passing cars.

Our ride north to the mountain village of Nong Khiaw.

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