Monday, December 14, 2009

Vaduz Liechtenstein

Last weekend Emily and I were invited by our friends Beth and Shane to go on a quick day trip to Liechtenstein.
*Fun Fact: Liechtenstein has the highest GDP per capita in the world with an average salary of ~$170,000.

Just a quick three hour drive north through the Alps.
*Fun Fact: The area of Liechtenstein is 62 square miles with a population of 33,000.

Shane, keep your eyes on the road! Em, what's with the fish eye?

Just after arriving in Vaduz Liechtenstein with the castle perched above.

Eating a German dish called Kaesespaetzle, which is basically their form of mac and cheese with sauteed onions and applesauce.

Emily and Beth posing with a mix between the Santa Claus, the Grinch, and Cookie Monster.
*Fun Fact: Apparently nobody in Liechtenstein knows what Santa looks like.

Everyone fell for the "look what's on my camera lens" trick.

Off to the castle...disregarding the no visit sign.

Beth and Em getting schlossed on their hot wine from the Christmas market.

Reading the interesting facts of Liechtenstein.
*My favorite fun fact about Liechtenstein is that it (and Uzbeckistan) are the only landlocked country surrounded by landlocked countries in the world.

This is the Keine Besichtigung castle where Prince Hans Adam II resides. The political system is a 'constitutional monarchy' on a democratic parlimentary system.

Staying warm with some ice cold Brauhaus beer and wasabi covered peanuts.

Where's Waldo?

The Christmas Market with the Castle above.

Before we left we took a scenic drive up the mountain for a nice wintery overlook.

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